Posted on Thursday, October 22, 2020

#060. Alex

Totally Spies!


Totally Spies!
First appearance: 2001

Requested by mrsinv1

From the "no Damsel Yearbook can be complete without..." files, here's Alex from Totally Spies! This was a Patreon request for mrsinv1.

I'm not gonna lie, I am INCREDIBLY proud of how this one came out. This is definitely one of my favourite Yearbook pics I've ever done, from the pose, to the linework to the shading...

Alternate versions:
TAGS: 2020, patreon requests, straitjackets, ball gags, totally spies!

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Comments (5)


Well done with a great damsel, she suits your art style well


She looks fantastic!^^


Alex looks great! :)


Really love the pose. :D That ballgag is perfect, and her angry look is great.


You should be proud! She looks incredible!

"The Damsel Yearbook" and all art on this website is copyright © Rosierosa unless noted otherwise.
This site is based around fanart of characters from various media, which belong to their respective copyright holders. None of the art is officially endorsed by said copyright holders.