The Damsel Yearbook is an ongoing art project by me, Rosierosa, where I draw fanart portraits of fictional characters tied up. More specifically, it's a massive tribute to all the classic "damsels in distress" that inspired not only me, but an entire community of artists, writers and other creatives.
Some entries are "classics" that everyone knows. Others are my personal favourites. Still others were requested by the public, either through my art live streams or through Patreon. All in all, I aim to represent a wide array of different properties—comics, shows, video games, occasionally even novels.
If you like, you can find more of my art on
my main website.
I can also be found on the following sites:
You can also drop me a line at
This website is not just a place to host the drawings, it is part of the artwork itself. The "Yearbook" section is specifically designed to be viewed in the style of, indeed, a yearbook. Other sections are ancillary.
The entire site was coded by me in Notepad++ so I can have complete control over the way it is displayed and the way it functions behind the scenes. Admittedly, this means it probably
doesn't display properly on certain devices as there is no premade solution in place that automatically accounts for these things. That being said, you really should just view the site on a desktop computer because the entire idea of a yearbook layout wouldn't work on a phone anyway.
Planned future additions to the website include:
- Japanese language support - I know I have some Japanese-speaking fans, and given my own desire to learn the language, I want the site to support it. Much of the data for the Yearbook itself already has Japanese equivalents, but I would like the entire site to be displayed in correct Japanese. (As an aside, it would be trivial to program the site to support additional languages beyond this, but making matching text is another story and I am not sure it would be worth the effort versus how many people would find it useful.)
- Tag system - I want to port the tag system from the main site here to make it easier to find stuff. This would also automate adding new series to search for in the dropdown menu.
- Some sort of mobile solution - I know I just said you should view the site on a desktop, and I still think that, but some people might not have access to one and I still want the site to be at least somewhat accessible to them. But until I come up with a satisfying layout, it will have to wait.
"The Damsel Yearbook" and all art on this website is copyright © 2018-2025 Rosierosa unless otherwise noted.
Content may include fan art of intellectual property belonging to their respective owners. Said owners' fan art policies are followed to the best of our knowledge and ability.