Posted on Thursday, June 1, 2023

#213. Emma Brightness

The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter

Emma Brightness


The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter (俺だけ入れる隠しダンジョン 〜こっそり鍛えて世界最強〜)
First appearance: 2017

Requested by Viewer's Choice

The main girl from The Hidden Dungeon Only I Can Enter, originally done as a stream sketch ages ago when the show was on, now redone and finished!

I felt like I hadn't done as much of my usual coloring flair recently, so I decided to swing the other way... I might have gone a little overboard with the saturation, heh heh. Well, as long as y'all like the result!

TAGS: 2023, viewer's choice, rope bindings, otm gags, the hidden dungeon only i can enter

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Comments (3)


Always glad to see a pic of any of the girls from this show.


What a nice, tight and exposing breast harness!



Don't see much for her with bondage. Nice choice from a rather lesser known anime.

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