Posted on Friday, May 12, 2023

#212. Katrielle Layton

Professor Layton

Katrielle Layton


Professor Layton (レイトン教授)
First appearance: 2017

Requested by Viewer's Choice

Professor Layton's daughter finds herself in some peril! (That you think would be inevitable given her occupation, but these writers, razzum frazzum)

Since the original art style has basically no shading, I had to sort of compromise between that and my usual style, so the shading is a bit less elaborate than usual. Still cute though, right? ^.^

TAGS: 2023, viewer's choice, rope bindings, otm gags, professor layton

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Comments (5)


not the best layton game but as far as spinoffs go it's pretty fun. also she is great damsel materiel


A real cutie, love the side shot of her hands tightly immobilized behind her back.


She's a super cute damsel in danger! ❤🤎


There's a rare damsel. Definitely looks cute to me!


Super job

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