Posted on Thursday, September 8, 2022

#177. Nia

Xenoblade Chronicles



Xenoblade Chronicles (ゼノブレイド)
First appearance: 2017

Requested by Stream suggestion

Or as my friend Woolie and I call her, "Welsh Cat". I couldn't get into Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but far be it from me to forgo tying up a bratty catgirl.

TAGS: 2022, 2022, stream suggestions, rope bindings, tape bindings, ball gags, xenoblade chronicles

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Comments (4)


It's been many a year since there were wildcats in Wales. I heard lots of tales of the scary wailing of them


A nice beeg ballgag for mouthy kitty :D

Nice work!


Yay Nia!!!


Aww what a pretty kitten tied up 😍👍💗🐱

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