Posted on Monday, September 5, 2022

#176. Shantae




Shantae (シャンティ)
First appearance: 2002

I sketched Shantae quite a while ago but wasn't satisfied with it. Fortunately, I was able to redo and finish it on a stream! Shantae is one of my favourite gaming babes, so I hope I did her justice. ^.^

TAGS: 2022, otm gags

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Comments (2)


Doesn’t seem like she’s gonna dance out of this danger! Lovely work.


looks good.

"The Damsel Yearbook" and all art on this website is copyright © Rosierosa unless noted otherwise.
This site is based around fanart of characters from various media, which belong to their respective copyright holders. None of the art is officially endorsed by said copyright holders.