Posted on Monday, August 22, 2022

#173. Byleth Eisner

Fire Emblem

Byleth Eisner


Fire Emblem (ファイアーエムブレム)
First appearance: 2019
Birthday: September 20

Requested by ItalianG62

What is there to say, really? Byleth is fucking hot, so I loved getting to draw her again. The bindings match my old Edelgard entry, but I think they fit Byleth better.

Also, I wanted to do a nude variant because BOOBS

Alternate versions:
TAGS: 2022, patreon requests, variants, armbinders, muzzle gags, fire emblem

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Comments (6)


Big Bouncy & Bound Byleth Booba is always nice to see, especially when the quality of the art is also great!


enchantingly sexy and tied up bouncy


Waifu so dreamy 🤤🤤


😍🤩🤩😍😛😛😛😛😈😈😈😈😈! Hot🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


It's like teachers try to be notice byleth especially is good looking.

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