Posted on Thursday, June 17, 2021

#117. Jessie Rasberry

Final Fantasy

Jessie Rasberry


Final Fantasy (ファイナルファンタジー)
First appearance: 1997

Requested by Anonymous A

Uwah?! Doesn't this look familiar?

Well, "Sector Raid" was originally a Yearbook request for Jessie, and it grew from there after the requesting patron liked it a lot. I dawdled for a long time on finishing the Yearbook version, since it would need to be more, er, portrait-appropriate, but here it finally is. Enjoy! ^.^

TAGS: 2021, patreon requests, stocks, muzzle gags, final fantasy

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Comments (3)


Wow, she’s caught but good! Guess it’s captivity for her.

You always draw the cutest damsels.


Aw, thanks so much! <3


love this pic

"The Damsel Yearbook" and all art on this website is copyright © Rosierosa unless noted otherwise.
This site is based around fanart of characters from various media, which belong to their respective copyright holders. None of the art is officially endorsed by said copyright holders.