Posted on Tuesday, March 30, 2021

#094. Akane Hiyama

Love Tyrant

Akane Hiyama

緋山 茜

Love Tyrant (恋愛暴君)
First appearance: 2012
Birthday: February 15

Requested by ItalianG62

Love Tyrant is a show I vaguely remember watching an episode of once when it came out, but that's about it. At first, I wasn't sure what to do with this Patreon request from ItalianG62, until I was shown the DID scene from the show itself, featuring this very bizarre material for the bondage.

At that moment I knew I had to do my own redraw of that very same scene. And drawing a bare belly is fun too!

TAGS: 2021, patreon requests, web bindings, web gags, love tyrant

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Ah, this is one of my favorite DID scenes. Great job!

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