Posted on Monday, February 1, 2021

#080. Mai Shiranui

Fatal Fury

Mai Shiranui


Fatal Fury (餓狼伝説)
First appearance: 1992
Birthday: January 1

Requested by Another0079

After Fatal Fury and The King of Fighters, Mai Shiranui now makes her debut in The Damsel Yearbook! Could this be why she wasn't in Smash Bros.?

Alternate versions:
TAGS: 2021, patreon requests, rope bindings, bit gags, fatal fury, the king of fighters

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Comments (5)


It's a known fact that if you're looking at this now, you have lot your status at a good boy or girl. ;p


Joke's on you, I was never a good girl to begin with


Fair enough. ;)


Nah, as Sakurai says, "Smash is for good boys and girls :3"


she's a cutey!

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