Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2020

#052. Kyoko Kirigiri


Kyoko Kirigiri


Danganronpa (ダンガンロンパ)
First appearance: 2010
Birthday: October 6

Requested by Hi I'm Flash

Here's Kyoko Kirigiri from Danganronpa. I didn't know much about the series so I asked around a bit, and as a detective she's ripe for capture! I wanted to show handcuffs, but I had to do a slightly different pose from usual, which I think came out pretty well. You get an Extra Bit too as a result. :3

Alternate versions:
TAGS: 2020, patreon requests, handcuffs, tape gags, danganronpa

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Comments (3)




Thats a good collection!


Eagerly awaiting the thrilling conclusion to the trilogy, Happy Girls Facing Down.

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