Posted on Saturday, August 17, 2019

#005. Rena Lanford

Star Ocean

Rena Lanford


Star Ocean (スターオーシャン)
First appearance: 1998
Birthday: May 13

Requested by Vaanred

No commentary has been written for this picture yet,
or it hasn't been added to the site.

TAGS: 2019, patreon requests, otm gags, star ocean

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Comments (6)


Oh hell yes, Rena. <3 If only she got this treatment in-game. Oh well, I can celebrate her getting it here!


Great work thanks again :)


No prob! I haven't played any Star Ocean games yet, but I really enjoyed drawing Rena all the same.


I love the series you should definitely play it when you can


It's on my to-do list! But RPGs are such a huge time investment >.<


This is true and those games are definitely no exception, especially the third one

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