Posted on Monday, July 6, 2020

#047. Leone

Akame ga Kill!



Akame ga Kill! (アカメが斬る!)
First appearance: 2010

Requested by ItalianG62

Okay, let me be clear about this: I really, really do not like Akame ga Kill, or most of the characters in it. I think the patron who requested this character may have done so precisely because of that fact. And I'm glad, because I get to punish this hellcat. I actually really like the idea of being extra hard on a character because they deserve it in-universe, but most of the time I don't get around to drawing it because I'd rather tie up girls from shows I like, y'know?

Anyway, being extra hard on Leone was a lot of fun, because I get to do

a) a strappado
b) a big gag with lots of straps
c) titty torture

None of which are things I've done, like... ever, probably! Heheheh.

TAGS: 2020, patreon requests, panel gags, akame ga kill!

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