Posted on Friday, January 10, 2020

#025. Mercy




Overwatch (オーバーウォッチ)
First appearance: 2016
Also known as: Angela Ziegler

Requested by CerberusKing

I do love drawing big swooshy flowy floofy hair. Please send me more swooshy flowy floofy girls to gag.

TAGS: 2020, patreon requests, otn gags, overwatch

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Comments (2)


My favorite Overwatch girl! :heart: That OTN gag suits Mercy so well!

Excellent work with these three! I'm not quite familiar with Osakabehime, but she looks great regardless!


Thanks so much! ^.^

I wasn't familiar with Osakabehime either before being asked to draw her. But her design's really cute, so I had fun!

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