Posted on Thursday, August 31, 2023
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#220. Rhea

Fire Emblem



Fire Emblem (ファイアーエムブレム)
First appearance: 2019
Birthday: January 11

Requested by Viewer's Choice

"So this is the choice you have made. You are just another perv—mmmrph!"

The dragon pope from Fire Emblem: Three Houses is subdued! And she seems just overjoyed with the surprise, doesn't she?

This marks the end of season 6 of the Damsel Yearbook. It'll be back in October for some special anniversary shenanigans, and then season 7 will follow some time after. In the meantime, I'll be drawing plenty of other stuff, though, so don't go anywhere!

TAGS: 2023, viewer's choice, rope bindings, bit gags, fire emblem

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