Posted on Thursday, February 2, 2023

#203. Shirakami Fubuki


Shirakami Fubuki


Hololive (ホロライブ)
First appearance: 2018
Birthday: October 5

Requested by Aoifster

Following up on Lamy, here's Fubuki, again for the amazing Aoifster.

I've always thought the idea of knotting up a girl's sleeves was really cute, so when I saw Fubuki's outfit I knew just what to do.

I didn't go as ham on the shading as I often do because her color scheme is so soft and white--doing more would make it look much too stark. And hey, sometimes less is just more.

TAGS: 2023, patreon requests, rope bindings, otn gags, hololive

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Fox hunt


She’s such a cutie! Great work❤️


Noooo not my Cute Catfox Thingy (Whatever she is). please i'll pay in any ransom to free the catfox. Uuuuhm i got fruit will that surfice




Well played.... Well played.... Hey look um a BIRD! (Runs away)

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