Posted on Monday, October 3, 2022

#182. Pirotess

Record of Lodoss War



Record of Lodoss War (ロードス島戦記)
First appearance: 1990

Requested by Aoifster

We make a return trip to Record of Lodoss War to tie up Deedlit's dark elf counterpart, Pirotess! She doesn't seem too thrilled at the prospect, but that's just too gosh darn bad. :P

TAGS: 2022, patreon requests, rope bindings, cleave gags, record of lodoss war

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Comments (4)

(banned user)


And dang! The way you drew it and colored, it could pass as a scene in the OVA! I love!


Damn, now that's some high praise! o.o;


The shading on this is amazing!


Thank you! I'm proud of it ^.^

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