Posted on Monday, July 18, 2022

#167. Naoto Shirogane


Naoto Shirogane

白鐘 直斗

Persona (ペルソナ)
First appearance: 2008
Birthday: April 27

Requested by Viewer's Choice

Persona 4's Detective Prince joins the Yearbook! Isn't it terrible that in the game's story, Naoto talks about being chloroformed, but we don't see it? Oh well, this is close enough. :D

Originally, I wanted all the P4 girls to have their Yearbook portraits fit together, like with P5 and Sailor Moon, so that's why I used an OTM gag, but the idea didn't quite pan out.

TAGS: 2022, viewer's choice, rope bindings, otm gags, persona, shin megami tensei

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Another beautiful addition ~

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