Posted on Monday, April 4, 2022

#160. Hatsune Miku


Hatsune Miku


Vocaloid (ボーカロイド)
First appearance: 2007
Birthday: August 31

Requested by Stream suggestion

This one started as a stream sketch a good long while ago. I recall being a little frustrated about what sort of poses I could feasibly do within the constraints of a Yearbook frame, and someone suggested a balltie. It shows a lot more than usual, heheh.

TAGS: 2022, stream suggestions, rope bindings, ball gags, vocaloid

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Comments (5)


Woah! Miku Hatsune has a ballgag! That's not good. :O


I dunno, seems to me she's having a ball! Heh heh heh heh heh


I hope you have a corner. Cause that joke was old.




Nobody's perfect. 😅

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