Posted on Monday, December 27, 2021

#148. Astolfo




Fate (フェイト)
First appearance: 2015

Wrapping up 2021 by wrapping up a cutie! Ha haaaaa

If you're familiar with the extended Fate universe and Astolfo (or if you're just into mythology), you might be like "Hey, wait a minute--", so let me lay some ground rules here.

You're free to interpret Astolfo's gender identity however you like. I don't really care, and goodness knows the series isn't very consistent about it. All that matters to me is that Astolfo is cute and needs bondage. But if you make any "trap" jokes, you're getting blocked. Mmkay?

TAGS: 2021, tape bindings, ball gags, fate

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Comments (2)


Regardless on if he's male or female, he's still best girl.


Really cute i love it!

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