Posted on Thursday, July 22, 2021

#124. Shizuku Kurogane

Chivalry of a Failed Knight

Shizuku Kurogane


Chivalry of a Failed Knight (落第騎士の英雄譚)
First appearance: 2013
Also known as: Lorelei

Stella might always steal the show when it comes to Chivalry of a Failed Knight, but there's no denying the facts: someone needs to shut up Ikki's little sister, and I'm here to do the job.

Alternate versions:
TAGS: 2021, rope bindings, otn gags, chivalry of a failed knight

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Comments (4)


This is certainly one way of dealing with a overly clingy little sister


I love the gag and clothes!!~~


Love the neck rope.


Looks nice and has a sweet charm ^^

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