Posted on Monday, September 30, 2019

#012. Asuka Kazama


Asuka Kazama


Tekken (鉄拳)
First appearance: 2004

Here's the very first poll damsel, this lovely beauty from Tekken.

TAGS: 2019, rope bindings, otm gags, tekken

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Comments (12)


Great picks for the theme!


All thanks to the patrons!


Absolutely Awesome :D:D:D!!!


Thank you X3


You're very welcome =)!


Fighting game theme!? Well now, that's hard for me to ignore. Nice job, and nice choices!


Thanks! Fighting games are awesome, not to mention a damsel treasure trove. I hope I get to give this theme a couple more rounds in the future :3


Asuka and Chun li on point here I see :)


They've got the same color scheme too! X3


Dunno why, I don't even like these two game franchises, but I still do find Chun li and Asuka to be great in situations like this :3 and now that you mention it, yeah their colors are almost the same! :o Wait, does Asuka have a kick heavy fighting style too?!


Haha, that would be pretty crazy, but not really.

I think it's really cool when damsels are still appealing even outside the target audience of the source material.


I can see that, it's kinda like just about any gaming damsel, like I loved to see DiD from Professor Layton (Emma), Chun li and Asuka, some of the final fantasy girls (despite never touching those games) and many more, that's what I find great about DiD, I might not know them, but some artists do draw them in something I'm more familiar with, and you did that quite well :D

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