Posted on Monday, June 7, 2021

#114. Ochako Uraraka

My Hero Academia

Ochako Uraraka


My Hero Academia (僕のヒーローアカデミア)
First appearance: 2014
Birthday: December 27
Also known as: Uravity

Requested by Viewer's Choice

Oh dear, who could have done this to our brave heroine?

This was originally a Viewer's Choice sketch, which was then finished on the first "end-of-the-month finishing-a-sketch" poll that I tried out recently. I enjoyed it quite a bit, so I'll probably do it again in the future!

TAGS: 2021, viewer's choice, unusual restraints, tape gags, my hero academia

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Comments (6)


I love her breasts!


That's one way to stick the entire body into one portrait shot..!


poor Ochaco!!


This remains one of my favorite yearbook pictures!


Oh no! Her quirk won't help her out of this jam!

"The Damsel Yearbook" and all art on this website is copyright © Rosierosa unless noted otherwise.
This site is based around fanart of characters from various media, which belong to their respective copyright holders. None of the art is officially endorsed by said copyright holders.