Posted on Thursday, May 6, 2021

#106. Lila Rossi

Miraculous Ladybug

Lila Rossi

Miraculous Ladybug
First appearance: 2016

Requested by WarioNumberOne

Another Miraculous Ladybug girl. I still haven't seen the show, so that's all I have to say!

TAGS: 2021, patreon requests, rope bindings, otm gags, miraculous ladybug

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Comments (7)


Lila... F*ck Off


I am a fan of liar lila tied up & gagged, girl is nothing but a pain in the ass & couldn’t tell the truth if her miserable life depended on it. Keep up the good work


ALYA: "I should be upset at this but, for some reason, all I can think about is why this hasn't happened sooner and often!"


I said it once, I'll say it again--perhaps you should watch the show, purely on a basis of how well you draw the characters. :D

The ropes/gag in particular are awesomely tight. Though with Lila, I would say they can never quite be tight enough. ;p


Still great work, and if anyone deserves a big mouth-filling gag, it's Lila!

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