Posted on Thursday, April 15, 2021

#100. April O'Neil

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

April O'Neil

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
First appearance: 1984

Can you believe this is the 100th of these pictures I've done?

To mark the occasion, I wanted to do something iconic, so I went back to one of the great damsels of my youth—who I'd somehow never drawn yet.

TAGS: 2021, rope bindings, otm gags, teenage mutant ninja turtles

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Comments (4)


She is both sexy and beautiful too! :love:




Hehe April always makes a cute damsel!'^^


"That's April alright. I recognize her mumbles."

First thing that came to mind lol. As an aside, the tightness of the gag is fantastic (as is the overhang~)

"The Damsel Yearbook" and all art on this website is copyright © Rosierosa unless noted otherwise.
This site is based around fanart of characters from various media, which belong to their respective copyright holders. None of the art is officially endorsed by said copyright holders.