No Stop spell? No worries!

Posted on Tuesday, June 23, 2015
2023/05/11: Here it is, my first bondage drawing I ever put online. I probably would have buried this if I wasn't a huge fan of "redraw this 10 years later" type things. You better watch yourself, 2025... (the original description is pretty cringy too)

ORIGINAL COMMENT 2015/05/23: Magitek brings you the most state-of-the-art way for anyone to use magic! However, the process is pretty pricey and finding Espers to extract magic from can be pretty pricey. Introducing a line of more economic substitutes for spells, such as this version of the "Stop" spell as modeled by a lovely half-Esper. We are also currently working on a substitute for the "Silence" spell, but the Empire's marketing people are arguing with each other about the aesthetics of the consumer model.

Drew one of my favourite RPG characters, partially to spite BDSMthingies who insists there were no pretty Final Fantasy characters before that really obscure one on PlayStation. I'm still sort of figuring out the whole digital drawing thing, so I tried having slightly "sketchier" lines to avoid wobbliness. I also tried my hand at shading and adding patterns to things, but it still needs work. ^.^;

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Comments (7)


This is really beautiful....


Haha! Thank you for the compliment, but this was the first bondage drawing I ever did, and it's really not very good in hindsight. ^.^' Please take a look at the rest of my gallery too--it's a lot better!


I think it's really cute. But I will certainly explore your gallery ^^


Such a cutie :love:


FF7 is "obscure". Yeah, sure. :P


Heehee. :3


She's very cute, Rosa. Nice work! :)